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As from October, 2018 Canada decriminalize cannabis. Pot or Cannabis or Bang is illegal in America except for medical marijuana which was legalized in 2001.



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The discussions for Canada to decriminalize Cannabis started in earnest in 2015 when one Justin Trudeau was elected into office as Prime Minister (PM).



The discussions for Canada to decriminalize Cannabis reached the floor of the Senate on 13 April, 2017. Afterwards, the bill was also approved by the house of commons. This was the last hurdle in the smooth sail of the legislation.



Now Canada has officially become the second national government to legalize recreational cannabis after Uruguay which legalized weed in 2013.



There are great differences between the two countries. Uruguay has a population of 3.4 million people while Canada’s population stands at 36 million people.





A number of states in the United States of America have also legalized cannabis. These are: Vermont, Alaska, Maine, Colorado, Massachusetts, Oregon, California and Washington.



California has a population of 39.1 million residents which is slightly more than the population of Canada.

At this point, the USA Federal government is the only barrier to legalization of  cannabis but this is likely to change considering that 30% of the combined population of Canada and USA is now legally allowed to smoke and drink weed for recreation purposes.



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