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Bull castration in Kenya. There are many reasons why bulls are castrated in Many parts of the world. This is usually done when they are calves.

The two testicles are removed from bulls which are not chosen for breading. Immediately the bulls change their name to steers. In most cases when bull calves reach puberty, they like fighting each other and can even harm their handlers (farmers).

In addition to that at this stage, bulls start troubling the heifers wanting to mate. They even do it with half-sisters and their mothers. Therefore, castration cools their tempers. Steers (castrated bulls) on the other hand are gentle and easy to handle. Methods of castration:

1) Surgical removal of the testicles

As mentioned earlier, the two testicles are removed using a surgical procedure as the one seen in this video.

The procedure starts with cutting open the bottom of the scrotum and pulling out the testicles by hand.

2) Using elastrator band method

Farmers or ranchers put a high tension band over the testicles and they are slowly and painlessly removed with time. Conclusion Castration is a necessary procedure for cattle farmers for their own safety and more importantly for the benefit of herd welfare.

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