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Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, has become $10 billion poorer in a span of one day. This is after claims of sexual misconduct emerged.



Elon Musk’s wealth shrank by $10 billion on Friday, May 20. This was reported by Bloomberg.



It was reported that SpaceX settled a sexual misconduct claim against their Chief Executive Officer, Elon Musk.



On Thursday, Musk’s wealth was $212 billion as per the Bloomberg Billionaires Index and after the news of sexual misconduct emerged on Thursday night his net worth dropped to $201 billion according to the index.


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According to the Insider, SpaceX paid a total of $250,000 to settle sexual misconduct against Elon Musk in 2018.


Elon Musk denied the claim and said that it was because he was in the process of purchasing Twitter.



Elon Musk owns 47 percent of SpaceX. Last week the company was valued at approximately $125 billion. The company is privately held and as a result its valuation does not change from time to time.



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