Use of media strategies for campaigns is very crucial in political campaigns. In this article we will explore ways of making sure you are broadcast on television and covered on print newspaper.
If you are campaigning for president or governor position and you lack a media strategy, then you may be speaking to a limited group of people.
Why media?
- Media channels convey messages instantly
- Media can enhance a leader’s popularity all you need is to pass a clear message that can be broadcast.
- Media is powerful because information is power.
- Media is inexpensive compared to trying to reach everyone face to face.
- Media can help you shape the opinion on a certain issues
- You can use media to educate the members of the public.
- Use media to persuade the voters to vote for you.
What should I do to get media attention?
The TV, newspaper and radio journalist are always found in every county searching for news stories but they may not be on top on what is happening.
This means that they depend on news tips from several sources. This means that if you have an important message you want to pass across then call them. If they do not turn up send them a press release.
Know what news the media wants
The media houses have similarities in what they want. Below is a brief description of what they want from any story:
- A good story
- Stories focused on some significant events
- Provide details of the story
- Write or narrate the story as best as you can manage. Journalist are experts at re-telling stories.
- Compile the information for the journalists. Guide them on what to videotape or take pictures.
- Provide them with contacts of people to interview for the story.

Build relationships with journalists
Always start early in creating relationships with journalists. It will reach a point where they call you to give opinions on stories related to your work.
Ask the journalists you know to share your name and contacts with other journalists. The relationship you create with the media can either work for or against you. Be careful.
Make it a point to comment in important issues in the community. There are many political debates ongoing in Kenya and beyond. Put your voice in it. Focus on the effect such issues can have on the general public.
Learn how to present dissenting opinions without being hostile. Never become a fence sitter join the debates otherwise media will either ignore you or give you bad publicity.
Dissenting stories are good to sell. Be controversial. Promote a different point of view. Take sides during public debates and have a strong stand on what you believe.
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