ARCHIVE August2017

Hurricane Harvey;Storm Damage updates
Hurricane Harvey Hurricane Harvey Disasters have a dollar cost. Many climate activists have argued that environmental destruction can be caused by unchecked economic growth. Death rates from natural disasters such as fires, […]
Innovative Garbage Disposal from 1980
Innovative Garbage Disposal from 1980 Yesterday I saw this innovative garbage disposal from 1980. This is a simple solution to make sure livestock such as pigs, cows and goats do not scavenge […]
Nairobi county CIDP 2018-2022
Dr. Robert Ayisi, the Acting County Secretary sent out a public notice on 28th August, 2017 informing the members of the public to be part of the formulation of Nairobi County Integrated […]
Tourism for economy its not always beneficial
TOURISM IS NOT ALWAYS GOOD FOR THE ECONOMY Andrea Jones-Rooy of five-thirty-eight has written a great article quoting the most recent economic research arguing that tourism does not necessarily lead to economic […]
KWALE TITANIUM GENERATES KSH. 1.71 BILLION PROFIT Base Resources Kwale Titanium, (the mother company of Base Titanium Ltd) announced a full-year profit of 1.71 billion or USD$21 million for the period ending June […]

Mohammed Ibrahim of Kenya Supreme Court
Mohammed Ibrahim of Kenya Supreme Court Taken ill Supreme court Judge Mohammed Ibrahim has been taken ill in the middle of hearing a petition. Chief Justice David Maraga made the announcement at […]
Experts have indicated that Kenya’s economy will continue growing despite the high debt burden. The experts have proposed the following actions for a better economic future: Control the existing debt levels […]

Common Market Protocol between Kenya and Tanzania
Kenya and Tanzania are Increasing Barriers to Trade Against Common Market Protocol The Common Market Protocol in East Africa calls for conducive business environment for member countries of EAC. This requirement is […]
Big Wigs Aim at becoming Speakers of Senate and National Assembly
Big Wigs Aim at becoming Speakers of Senate and National Assembly There are many people competing to become the next speaker of the Senate and National Assembly respectively. The following is a […]
Chief Justice David Maraga Returns Wigs to Kenya Judiciary
Chief Justice David Maraga returned the wigs to the Kenyan judiciary, reviving a tradition that had been previously discontinued. Wigs which were commonly won by the members of the bar and […]
Tencent Holdings Limited the colossus Chinese Tech Company
Tencent Holdings Limited is a Chinese Internet Colossus which was founded 24 years ago in 1998. The company’s headquarters is in Nanshan District, China. The company serves people all over the world. […]
ECONOMIC DOWNTURN IS COMING, WARNS WALL STREET Morgan Stanley, HSBC and Citigroup have predicted that the market boom is coming to an end. This is according to analysts at the huge above […]

NASA PRE-TRIAL CONFERENCE DATE SET Saturday 27th August, 2017 has been set as the NASA pre-trial conference date. It will start at 7 PM. Esther Nyaiyaki, the Registrar of Supreme court has […]
Activist Hackers Safeguard Germany Elections Computers
Activist Hackers Safeguarding Germany Elections Computers Germans are quick to learn from other people’s mistakes thanks to activist Hackers Safeguarding Germany Elections . They do not want hackers especially from Russia to […]
Jay Y. Lee a Samsung heir is expected to be imprisoned for 5 years for corruption charges. This has been described as one of the harshest sentences which has been handed down […]
Pakistan is officially Kenya’s top importer
Pakistan is officially Kenya’s top importer For a long time, Uganda and Tanzania have been Kenya’s top export drivers. Now there is a new kid on the block: Pakistan. USA is also […]
Mike Sonko biography
This article covers Mike Sonko biography. He was sworn in as governor alongside his deputy Polycarp Igathe. He is now officially the second governor of Nairobi County. During his speech, he promised […]
Angela Merkel nation is renown for its Budget Surpluses
Angela Merkel nation is Germany, it is a renowned nation for fiscal discipline. The country has in the past operated on surplus budgets. In August, 2016 the country announced a budget […]
African Countries with Surplus Budgets
A budget deficit is a term used in public finance to refer to a situation when a state raises more resources than what they spend in a given financial year. A surplus […]
Nairobi City
Nairobi City is the capital and largest city of Kenya, serving as the country’s economic, political, and cultural hub. This is a great city based in Sub Saharan Africa. It is the […]